well i dun really believe in it...
but it could b true sometimes...
and today i think what my horoscope tell me is true...
coz that's what i'm feeling rite now...
after i read the horoscope...
it makes me thinking bout sumthing...
so this is what my horoscope for today is all about...
Friendster Horoscope for April 4, 2008
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)[?]

The Bottom Line
Romance is a two-way street. If you are not feeling it, then don't pretend you are.
In Detail
If you feel uncomfortable about the amount of attention that someone is giving you right now, the best reaction to them is no reaction. Romance is a two-way street, and if you are not feeling it, then you're just not feeling it. But there is no need to hurt their feelings or embarrass them. Instead, don't even let them know that they have bothered you. Just carry on with normal relations and sooner or later they will get the picture, give up, and move on to someone who is right for them.
hmm..mayb tat shld apply to me too huh..b strong gal...tink, both of us are having hard time now in our lifes..but we gota be strong n noe tat we can go thru this..
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