i don't need a man!!!
i've forgotten about this song until Sharine sang it to me juz now...
it's funny how a song that i used to like juz disappeared from my mind...
wen i read d lyrics again...
then i realized dat dis song should b my theme song again...
it gives me d energy 2 feel powerful & independent...
well i really don't need a man anyway...
i have my frens, my family & i'll b getting my car soon...
so who cares about a man who will always bring heartaches & headaches rite???
anyway, his ex went to his house last nite juz to make sure that he's ok & to make sure if i had taken a really good care of him...
ok fine i didn't...
i wasn't there wen he used blade 2 make deep marks on his hand...
& i'm not with him last nite 2 comfort him...
but i'm not working in the same shop as him anymore...
that's y i didn't know dat he did dat...
and do u actually expect me to walk around 2am juz to go to his house 2 b near him???
well, maybe i should...
maybe i could juz b d angel again & safe him...
be next to him all the time to protect him...
but wen i choose not to be his angel becoz i'm sick of thinking about the effect that i'll get later...
there she is...
coming back to do sum check on him & blame me for not taking a good care of him...
after what they had done to me wen i used to take a really good care of him...
y should i take care of him so much anymore???
it's obviously not my fault rite???
i could treat him so damn good until he feels like he's d king of the world...
but after what they had done to me...
do u think it's worth it???
so izit really my fault???
Told ya i'm a hopeless romantic...
What Type Are You?
You are a Hopeless romantic
Do you swoon when a guy recites poetry to you? Go ga-ga over a bouquet of hand-picked wildflowers? Then there's no doubt about it — you're a textbook Hopeless Romantic. Chances are you love soft music, candlelight, and long walks on the beach at sunset. Crying at sappy movies (your favorite kind) is a given — a box of tissues is a must — and you've have had your wedding planned since grade school. You're looking for a deep relationship — a soulmate. Traditional and sympathetic, guys love that they can open up to you and talk to you about their feelings, their past, and their hopes for the future. How can a suitor win your heart? By romancing you. Sending you flowers, surprising you with a picnic lunch, or going for a horse-drawn carriage ride. Before you know it, you'll be creating a life-long love story.
I have an exotic aura???

You are well aware that sheer makeup looks better on soft, well-cared for skin, so you try to keep your pores free from blemishes and oil. You don't have a signature scent because you're too busy trying them all to pick a favorite. At times you may risk hiding your true self behind all this glamorous self-indulgence, but hopefully you're just expressing your flamboyant, creative personality through lipstick, scents, and other fancy stuff.
another free astrology reading
dis time it's about karma & relationship...
surprisingly it's true...
so have fun reading it...
In prior lives, you experienced intense, perhaps violent upheavals in your love relationships. You may have lost a lover to war or some other tragic end; you may have been in a marriage marked by violence and were unable to trust your partner. The sense that nothing is truly stable -- that circumstances can change in a heartbeat, in a devastating way -- has lasted with you through to your current life.
You may find it quite difficult to trust your lover at a very deep level; you yearn for attachment but the very feeling of becoming dependent on another person makes you quite uncomfortable. You might put your lover through "tests," trying to discern whether their love for you is real or ephemeral. This kind of untrusting behavior can do lasting damage to a perfectly good relationship.
You are likely to be a friendly, relaxed person on the outside, but inside you have deep psychic wounds that cause you anxiety within your relationships. (This can extend beyond your love relationships, as well; you might notice that there have been people in your life who seemed to dislike you for no logical or apparent reason. These people are likely to be people from a prior life whom you somehow hurt, abused or alienated, with whom you reincarnated in your current life.)
my astrology...
well i dun really do...
but anyway...
dis is wat my astrology says...
ratna rahayu's astrological profile
Sun in Sagittarius
When ratna rahayu was born, the Sun was in the Sign Sagittarius, the Gypsy. ratna rahayu's basic sanity and vitality depend on a constant diet of new, mind-stretching experiences. They may be cross-cultural; they may be educational in the broadest sense of the word; they may just be fresh forays into the unknown in any of its myriad manifestations: hang-gliding for the first time, attending a lecture on particle physics. All together, these mind-stretching ventures feed the Philosopher-Spirit in the heart of ratna rahayu's character -- her compelling drive to know and understand, to find the inner meaning of things. To that end, her nature is curious, robust, and full of risk-tolerant faith in life. Restraints on her exuberance or constraints on her freedom are anathema to her. For committed love really to work for ratna rahayu in the long run, it must enhance her freedom rather than detract from it. In intimacy, ratna rahayu's need for space may present some problems, but they're only truly insurmountable ones if 's become involved with someone who is simply too clingy for a person of her nature. Similarly, her idealism may set unreachable standards -- but, if she is wise, then those standards serve her the same way the North Star serves the sailor: they guide, beckon, and inspire her in the ever-brighter direction of the Unreachable...not that she ever expects actually to arrive there. And that can only enhance the magic of the bond.
was browsing through my friend's profile in friendster and saw this in her shoutout...
"LOVE is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. Its not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end..."
it is really sweet rite???
wen I read it...
i think that it's true...
all this while i've been searching for the right person...
with hope that the right person will make it easier for me to build a right relationship...
I used to have a long list of some criteria that i'm looking in this so called 'mr. right'...
but after all this years...
i've narrowed down the criteria that I want...
but the 'mr. right' still didn't come...
so now maybe I should juz forget about finding the right person...
I should juz stay with someone that I think can build a right relationship with me...
but how can the relationship b right when the person is wrong???
called him juz now & he was on his way home from pekeliling, KL...
he was with her...
she followed him back 2 Perak on his grandma's funeral...
no wonder he juz disappear dis past few days...
and he only sms me dis morning around 1.45am...
then after I put down d phone...
I received an sms from her...
dat woman juz couldn't leave me alone...
she said dat after dis I could take him...
I replied “it's ok...u can keep him to urself...i'm not interested in sharing...”
then she said that I dun have to share him with her coz they're breaking up...
d problem is dat I dun really trust that coz they always break up for a while then they'll get back together...
but she said that this time it's for real & I can have him...
the thing dat I dun understand is dat after dat she kept asking me to go out with him & asked me whether i'm working or not???
what's her problem???
he didn't say anything to me about d break up...
so I dun wanna ask about it...
I juz wanna leave him alone...
give him time to rest & time for himself...
but y must she bother whether i'm goin out with him or not???
even if after dis we r not together...
y must she care???
well i dun really believe in it...
but it could b true sometimes...
and today i think what my horoscope tell me is true...
coz that's what i'm feeling rite now...
after i read the horoscope...
it makes me thinking bout sumthing...
so this is what my horoscope for today is all about...
Friendster Horoscope for April 4, 2008
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)[?]

The Bottom Line
Romance is a two-way street. If you are not feeling it, then don't pretend you are.
In Detail
If you feel uncomfortable about the amount of attention that someone is giving you right now, the best reaction to them is no reaction. Romance is a two-way street, and if you are not feeling it, then you're just not feeling it. But there is no need to hurt their feelings or embarrass them. Instead, don't even let them know that they have bothered you. Just carry on with normal relations and sooner or later they will get the picture, give up, and move on to someone who is right for them.
another friends' wedding list....
everybody around me seems to be planning or already busy preparing for their wedding...
on 31st of May this year...
which is like next month...
one of my UiTM friend is getting married...
so i might b going to the wedding without partner...
but who cares...
i have my friends to go there together with me (if they dun go there with their partner)...
then that day i met my friend Fara...
she accompany me to do police report regarding the accident...
after not seeing her for such a long time...
suddenly she told me that she's getting marry in maybe June or August this year...
i really scream at her when i heard the word THIS YEAR!!!
keep asking her "y r u doing this to me??? can't u plan ur wedding until i have a real boyfriend???"
and until today i can't accept the fact that she's getting marry soon...
really SOON!!!
but then we had made a deal before and rite now according to the deal...
i will have to sponsor for her house furniture when she buy a house & later on my wedding...
she have to sponsor for my honeymoon...
so get ready to search for a traveling agency that have good package to Paris k Fara...
then when i check on my friendster...
some friends from old school already have baby, some have husband and some already engaged...
the amount of those that are attach is like 99%...
so i'm stuck in the 1% category...
never thought that i'll b like this...
people always tell me "chill out! u r only 24...dun need to rush..."
i'm not rushing to get marry...
i juz want someone rite now that is willing to start planning his future with me...
i know myself...
i need atleast 3yrs to make sure that he's the one that i could live my life with FOREVER...
i wanna get marry on 11/11/2011...
it's 3yrs from now k...
but until rite now i couldn't see any guy that have the potential to be the one...
where is he???